Adult Dentistry In Centreville, VA
Smiles for Centreville provides dental care for families and adults to help you maintain and restore your oral health, and enjoy a beautiful smile throughout your entire life. We invite you to contact our office at 703-830-9110 for more information on adult dental care in Centreville, Virginia, and schedule your appointment with one of our experienced dentists.
Regular recare appointments
Adult patients are placed on either a three-, four-, or six-month recare appointment schedule. Oral hygiene instructions are given at each appointment. We have many homecare devices that we recommend and demonstrate to our patients. We encourage our patients to schedule their next recare appointment before leaving our office.
Kodak digital radiography
We utilize the Kodak digital radiography system for all of our X-rays. Digital X-rays use much less radiation than standard film. We encourage our adult patients to have bitewing X-rays taken yearly and a full panoramic X-ray taken every three years.
Periodontal disease screening
Our patients are screened for periodontal disease at least once a year.
Oral cancer screening
Along with a clinical exam, our office utilizes the VELscope® oral cancer screening system. The VELscope uses an ultraviolet light to look for the presence of abnormal tissue. If abnormal tissue is found, a biopsy is recommended. Treatment options depend on the biopsy results.
Treatment of Periodontal Disease: Periodontal treatment is done by our hygiene team. There are seven highly skilled hygienists in our office. We treat periodontal disease by thorough, deep cleanings called root debridement therapy, localized antibiotic therapy (ARESTIN®), and the Perio Protect® method of delivering medicaments as needed. Patients’ periodontal pocketing is measured, as well as recession and mobility that affect oral health.
Recession of the gum line
Many adult patients are diagnosed with recession of the gum line. Often this recession causes the tooth to become sensitive – especially to cold. Our dentists at Smiles for Centreville offer several different options for treating this topically, including home fluoride gels, MI Paste™ for remineralization, and fluoride varnishes.
If it has been more than six months since your last visit to our dentists, please contact us today to schedule an appointment. Our dentists are committed to helping you improve your oral health.